Mutation Badge, cloud HTML report

We use the Stryker Dashboard to store mutation score for badges and host HTML reports in the cloud. Stryker is a mutation testing framework for Javascript that shares its service for other mutations frameworks.

How to set it up

Infection MSI

Take these steps to enable the mutation score badge / cloud HTML report on your repository:

  1. Make sure you have enabled a continuous integration service for your project.

    We use ondram/ci-detector to detect continuous-integration services.

    Feel free to request an additional integration there if the list of currently supported continuous-integration servers does not contain a service you require.

  2. Go to and sign in with your GitHub account.

  3. Enable a repository for which you want to create a mutation badge / cloud HTML report. Stryker Dashboard will generate a key for you automatically.

  4. Provide the API key for your project as a secret environment variable - either INFECTION_DASHBOARD_API_KEY or STRYKER_DASHBOARD_API_KEY can be used.

  5. Configure the stryker logger in your infection.json5 file:

    for badge

    "logs": {
    "stryker": {
    "badge": "/^release-.*$/"

    or for HTML report to host it on Stryker Dashboard

    "logs": {
    "stryker": {
    "report": "/^release-.*$/"

    You can use either badge or report, but not both.

    Using HTML report automatically enables badge on Stryker Dashboard.

    If you provide a value that is not a regular expression starting and ending with /, a direct match will be performed:

    "logs": {
    "stryker": {
    "badge": "main"
  6. Force a build by running:

    $ git push origin main

HTML report will be available at URL:{username}/{repository_name}/{branch}.

For example

To get the Badge image, go to Stryker Dashboard and copy the link there. Don’t forget to add it to your readme file.

That’s it! Hope you like it.