Custom Mutators

Starting from Infection 0.29.12, it’s possible to create custom mutators that can be used by Infection.

Before creating mutator, make sure it’s not already supported by Infection itself by looking into our built-in mutators. Don’t forget to share results, probably your new mutator can be added to Infection core!

How to create a custom mutator

Imaging we want to create a mutator that replaces any string with Infected!, like this:

- throw new RuntimeException('File not found');
+ throw new RuntimeException('Infected!');

1. Install infection/mutator and create a class that implements Mutator interface

If you want to use our mutator generator, additionally install infection/infection as a dev dependency and run vendor/bin/infection make:mutator. Otherwise, create it manually as shown below.

Never install Infection as a production dependency

Custom Mutator must implement Mutator interface which is located in infection/mutator package. Install it by:

composer require infection/mutator

Then, create a class that implements this interface:



namespace App\Mutator;

use Infection\Mutator\Definition;
use Infection\Mutator\Mutator;
use PhpParser\Node;

class AnyStringToInfectedMutator implements Mutator
public function canMutate(Node $node): bool
return $node instanceof Node\Scalar\String_;

* @psalm-mutation-free
* @return iterable<Node\Scalar\String_>
public function mutate(Node $node): iterable
yield new Node\Scalar\String_('Infected!', $node->getAttributes());

public static function getDefinition(): Definition
return new Definition(
Replaces any string with "Infected!" string.
- throw new RuntimeException('File not found');
+ throw new RuntimeException('Infected!');

public function getName(): string
return self::class;

2. Register mutator

Now, it’s time to add mutator to Infection’s config and enable it:

// infecion.json5

"mutators": {
"@default": true,
+ "App\\Mutator\\AnyStringToInfectedMutator": true

3. Check documentation

And let’s check if Infection sees it by running

bin/infection describe App\\Mutator\\AnyStringToInfectedMutator

This should display information from AnyStringToInfectedMutator::getDefinition() method.

4. Mutate the code!

It’s time to mutate the code with our own cool mutator. You can run Infection as you usually do, or just with this new mutator to quickly get the feedback:

bin/infection  --mutators="App\\Mutator\\AnyStringToInfectedMutator" --show-mutations

5. Test your mutator

In order to write quality tests for your mutator, we highly recommend to use our generator and BaseMutatorTestCase from infection/infection:

composer require infection/infection --dev

vendor/bin/infection make:mutator AnyStringToInfectedMutator

This will create mutator and a test file that you need to move to tests folders and complete by adding test cases. In our example, the test file would like this:



namespace App\Tests;

use Infection\Testing\BaseMutatorTestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use App\Mutator\AnyStringToInfectedMutator;

final class AnyStringToInfectedMutatorTest extends BaseMutatorTestCase
protected function getTestedMutatorClassName(): string
return AnyStringToInfectedMutator::class;

* @param string|string[] $expected
public function test_it_can_mutate(string $input, string|array|null $expected = []): void
$this->assertMutatesInput($input, $expected);

public static function mutationsProvider(): iterable
yield 'It mutates a simple case' => [

throw new RuntimeException('File not found');

throw new RuntimeException('Infected!');

yield 'It does not mutate non-string arguments' => [

throw new RuntimeException(SOME_CONST);

6. Produce N mutants for each Node

If you want to produce several mutants for a specific Node, just yield more nodes from mutate():

public function mutate(Node $node): iterable
yield new Node\Scalar\String_('Infected!', $node->getAttributes());

+ yield new Node\Scalar\String_('Another infected string!', $node->getAttributes());

This will create 2 versions of the original source code (two mutants) for each string.

7. Infection Playground

You can even use our Playground to create custom mutators. See an example of AnyStringToInfectedMutator:

Understanding Node attributes

PHP-Parser lib adds for each Node instance different attributes, that can be accessed like this:

$attributes = $node->getAttributes();

Infection also adds additional attributes that can be very useful for custom mutators:

parent attribute

Sometimes, in order to decide whether mutator needs to (not) mutate a Node, we need to look to parent nodes.

For example, built-in TrueValue mutator replaces true with false. But we don’t want to do a replacement if it’s the 3rd argument of in_array() function. But in order to check where true is used, we need to travers up to the AST.

This is where ‘parent’ attribute can help you;

// Mutator::caMutate() method

$parent = $node->getAttribute('parent');

// do something with $parent

Look here to see how it’s used in a real TrueValue mutator.

Reflection attributes


All nodes inside a class has reflectionClass attribute, which contains \ReflectionClass instance of the class where the node is located.

This can be useful in many places. Infection, for example, uses it to determine if a class has parents with the same method as being mutated in PublicVisibility mutator.

/** @var \ClassReflection $reflection */
$reflection = $node->getAttribute('reflectionClass');


This boolean attribute is set to true if the node is inside a function/method. For example, Infection uses it to not mutate the code outside of methods of classes.

$isInsideFunction = $node->getAttribute('isInsideFunction');


This boolean attribute is set to true if the node is on a function/method signature line.

public function foo(bool $someBoolean = true): void
// ...

In this example, we can determine if true is on a function signature line thanks to this attribute.

$isOnFunctionSignature = $node->getAttribute('isOnFunctionSignature');


This attribute contains an instance of Node\Stmt\Function_ or null. Node\Stmt\Function_ can be used to get the return type of the currently mutated function. See how it’s done in ArrayOneItem mutator.

/** @var Node\Stmt\Function_|null $functionScope */
$functionScope = $node->getAttribute('functionScope');

$returnType = $functionScope->getReturnType();


This attribute contains the name of the function/method where the node is located. It can be useful to determine if the node is inside a specific function that, for example, needs to be ignored in mutation logic.

$methodName = $node->getAttribute('functionName');

NameResolver attributes

Infection uses php-parser’s NameResolver visitor that adds namespacedName property to a node, resolvedName or namespacedName attributes.

This visitor is configured in Infection with:

'preserveOriginalNames' => true,
'replaceNodes' => false,

Refer to its documentation to understand how it works. In a nutshell, thanks to this visitor, you can get fully qualified class names or function names in the code.