
Mutations must occur when CodeCoverage has already started

It may happen that a mutation that fails a test isn’t reported as covered.
This can occur when the code-coverage profiler hasn’t started before the mutations occurs.
Take for example:

class SourceClassTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
* @dataProvider instancesProvider
public function testAlwaysTrueFromFactoryMethod(SourceClass $class): void

public function instancesProvider(): array
return [

class SourceClass
private bool $value;

private function __construct(bool $value)
$this->value = $value;

public static function factoryMethod(): self
return new self(true);

public function getValue(): bool
return $this->value;

If the TrueValue Boolean Substitution mutator is active, you
would expect the mutation to be correctly covered. But in the provided example the mutation
occurs in the @dataProvider which runs before the code-coverage driver gets started.

Be sure to check your mutated code runs inside the test in this case, so a workaround can be the following:

class SourceClassTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
* @dataProvider instanceFactoriesProvider
public function testAlwaysTrueFromFactoryMethod(callable $classFactory): void
$class = $classFactory();

public function instanceFactoriesProvider(): array
return [
[static function() {
return SourceClass::factoryMethod();